Life Aid Bandage (Бинт Первой Помощи)

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpg Life Aid Bandage Item grade NG.gif
Бинт Первой Помощи
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Бинт Первой Помощи

  • Бинт, прекрасно защищающий кожу от повреждений. Увеличивает защиту от Отрицательных Эффектов. Можно использовать только в подземелье Семени Бессмертия.

Life Aid Bandage

  • Wondrous curative cloth that almost completely blocks the foreign contagion, which is the true nature of the Seed of Infinity, when you adhere it to your body. It increases Bleed/Poison Resistance, and Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff skills that the monsters use inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpg Life Aid Bandage Item grade NG.gif
Бинт Первой Помощи
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Бинт Первой Помощи

  • Бинт, прекрасно защищающий кожу от повреждений. Увеличивает защиту от Отрицательных Эффектов. Можно использовать только в подземелье Семени Бессмертия.

Life Aid Bandage

  • Wondrous curative cloth that almost completely blocks the foreign contagion, which is the true nature of the Seed of Infinity, when you adhere it to your body. It increases Resistance to Bleeding, Poison , and Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff skills that the monsters use inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgLife Aid Bandage Item grade NG.gif
Бинт Первой Помощи
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Бинт Первой Помощи

  • Бинт, прекрасно защищающий кожу от повреждений. Увеличивает защиту от Отрицательных Эффектов. Можно использовать только в подземелье Семени Бессмертия.

Life Aid Bandage

  • A wondrous curative cloth that almost completely blocks the foreign contagion, which is the true nature of the Seed of Infinity, when you adhere it to your body. It increases Resistance to bleeding, poison, and Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff skills that the monsters use inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

라이프에이드 붕대

  • 몸에 붙이기만 하면 불멸의 씨앗 내 정체 불명의 이물질 감염을 거의 완벽히 방지해 주는 놀라운 의료용 천. 불멸의 씨앗 내 몬스터들이 사용하는 출혈, 독 및 명계의 마견이 유발하는 특수 디버프 스킬에 대한 저항력을 증가시켜 준다. 불멸의 씨앗 인스턴트 던전 내에서만 사용 가능.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgLife Aid Bandage Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Life Aid Bandage

  • A wondrous curative cloth that almost completely blocks the foreign contagion, which is the true nature of the Seed of Infinity, when you adhere it to your body. It increases resistance to bleeding, poison, and Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff skills that the monsters use inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgLife Aid Bandage Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Life Aid Bandage

  • A wondrous curative cloth that almost completely blocks the foreign contagion, which is the true nature of the Seed of Infinity, when you adhere it to your body. It increases resistance to bleeding, poison, and Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff skills that the monsters use inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgLife Aid Bandage Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Life Aid Bandage

  • A wondrous curative cloth that almost completely blocks the foreign contagion, which is the true nature of the Seed of Immortality, when you adhere it to your body. It increases resistance to bleeding, poison, and Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff skills that the monsters use inside Seed of Immortality. Can be used only inside Seed of Immortality instant dungeons.

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Похожие умения

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