Roxxy's Kerchief (Платок Рокси)

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpg Roxxy's Kerchief Item grade NG.gif
Платок Рокси

Платок Рокси

  • Платок Рокси - ответ на письмо Дарина. Отнесите его Дарину.

Roxxy's Kerchief

  • Roxxy's handkerchief. This is the reply that Roxxy Has given to Darin's letter, and must be delivered to Darin.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpg Roxxy's Kerchief Item grade NG.gif
Платок Рокси

Платок Рокси

  • Платок Рокси - ответ на письмо Дарина. Отнесите его Дарину.

Roxxy's Kerchief

  • Roxxy's handkerchief. This is the reply that Roxxy Has given to Darin's letter, and must be delivered to Darin.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgRoxxy's Kerchief Item grade NG.gif
Платок Рокси

Платок Рокси

  • Платок Рокси - ответ на письмо Дарина. Отнесите его Дарину.

Roxxy's Kerchief

  • Roxxy's handkerchief. This is the reply that Roxxy has given to Darin's letter, and must be delivered to Darin.

라푼젤의 손수건

  • 라푼젤의 손수건. 다링의 편지에 대한 답장의 의미로 라푼젤이 건네 준 것으로 다링에게 전해줘야 한다.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgRoxxy's Kerchief Item grade NG.gif

Roxxy's Kerchief

  • Roxxy's handkerchief. This is the reply that Roxxy has given to Darin's letter, and must be delivered to Darin.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgRoxxy's Kerchief Item grade NG.gif

Roxxy's Kerchief

  • Roxxy's handkerchief. This is the reply that Roxxy has given to Darin's letter, and must be delivered to Darin.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgRoxxy's Kerchief Item grade NG.gif

Roxxy's Kerchief

  • Roxxy's handkerchief. This is the reply that Roxxy has given to Darin's letter, and must be delivered to Darin.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgRoxxy's Kerchief Item grade NG.gif

Roxxy's Kerchief

  • Roxxy's handkerchief. This is the reply that Roxxy has given to Darin's letter, and must be delivered to Darin.

Etc piece of cloth white i00 0.jpgRoxxy's Kerchief Item grade NG.gif

Roxxy's Kerchief

  • Roxxy's handkerchief. This is the reply that Roxxy has given to Darin's letter, and must be delivered to Darin.

Нужен для квестов

Тип Название квеста Ур Начало Награда
Можно выполнить один разВыполняется в одиночку Letters of Love
Любовное послание
2 — 5 Darin (Дарин)
Gludio Territory (Земли Глудио)
Etc exp point i00 0.jpg 5,672
Etc sp point i00 0.jpg 446
Adena.jpg 2,466
Accessary necklace of knowledge i00 0.jpg Necklace of Knowledge (Ожерелье Знаний)

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