Phantom Ranger (Призрачный Рейнджер)

Phantom Ranger — вторая профессия воина расы темных эльфов с 40-го по 76-й уровень.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Assassin, минимум 40-й уровень и выполнить квесты Trial of the Seeker, Testimony of Fate и Test of Sagittarius или альтернативный квест Good Work's Reward.

Достигнув 76-го уровня и выполнив специальный квест можно получить третью профессию Ghost Sentinel.


Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным EU серверам Chronicle 4.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.5 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 35 0 33000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.1 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 984. Активный 80 0 11000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.2 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1046. Активный 82 0 11000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.3 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1110. Активный 85 0 11000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.17 Absorbs HP. Power 49. Активный 25 0 11000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.18 Absorbs HP. Power 50. Активный 27 0 11000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.19 Absorbs HP. Power 52. Активный 27 0 11000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.3 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 30. Активный 18 0 16000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.4 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 31. Активный 18 0 16000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.1 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 18 0 33000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.3 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 18 0 33000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.13 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 123. Effect 4. Активный 40 0 11000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.14 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 131. Effect 4. Активный 41 0 11000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.15 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 139. Effect 5. Активный 43 0 11000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.4 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 369. Активный 80 0 11000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.5 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 392. Активный 82 0 11000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.6 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 417. Активный 85 0 11000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.6 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 7 0 33000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.11 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.12 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.13 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0113 0.jpg Long Shot Ур.2 Bow range increases. Пассивный 0 0 33000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.6 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 38 0 33000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.4 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1178. Активный 85 0 11000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.5 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1249. Активный 87 0 11000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.6 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1322. Активный 90 0 11000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.20 Absorbs HP. Power 53. Активный 28 0 11000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.21 Absorbs HP. Power 55. Активный 28 0 11000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.22 Absorbs HP. Power 57. Активный 29 0 11000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.5 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 33. Активный 19 0 16000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.6 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 34. Активный 19 0 16000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.2 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 19 0 33000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.4 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 19 0 33000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.16 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 148. Effect 5. Активный 43 0 11000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.17 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 157. Effect 5. Активный 44 0 11000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.18 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 166. Effect 5. Активный 45 0 11000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.7 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 442. Активный 85 0 11000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.8 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 469. Активный 87 0 11000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.9 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 496. Активный 90 0 11000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.7 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 8 0 33000
Skill0225 0.jpg Acrobatic Move Ур.2 Dodging abilities increase when running. Пассивный 0 0 33000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.5 Creates level 5 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0171 0.jpg Esprit Ур.2 Increases recovery speed while one is running. Пассивный 0 0 33000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.14 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.15 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.16 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0169 0.jpg Quick Step Ур.2 Moving speed increases. Пассивный 0 0 33000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.7 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 42 0 47000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.7 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1399. Активный 93 0 15000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.8 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1479. Активный 95 0 15000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.9 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1562. Активный 98 0 15000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.23 Absorbs HP. Power 58. Активный 30 0 15000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.24 Absorbs HP. Power 60. Активный 30 0 15000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.25 Absorbs HP. Power 61. Активный 32 0 15000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.7 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 36. Активный 20 0 23000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.8 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 37. Активный 22 0 23000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.3 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 22 0 47000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.5 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 22 0 47000
Skill0303 0.jpg Soul of Sagittarius Ур.1 Temporarily increases maximum MP. Effect 1. Активный 0 185 47000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.19 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 175. Effect 5. Активный 47 0 15000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.20 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 185. Effect 5. Активный 48 0 15000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.21 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 196. Effect 5. Активный 49 0 15000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.10 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 525. Активный 93 0 15000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.11 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 555. Активный 95 0 15000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.12 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 586. Активный 98 0 15000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.8 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 9 0 47000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0171 0.jpg Esprit Ур.3 Increases recovery speed while one is running. Пассивный 0 0 47000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.17 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.18 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.19 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 15000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.8 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 44 0 75000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.10 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1647. Активный 101 0 25000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.11 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1736. Активный 104 0 25000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.12 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1828. Активный 107 0 25000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.26 Absorbs HP. Power 63. Активный 32 0 25000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.27 Absorbs HP. Power 65. Активный 33 0 25000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.28 Absorbs HP. Power 66. Активный 34 0 25000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.9 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 39. Активный 23 0 38000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.10 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 40. Активный 23 0 38000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.4 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 23 0 75000
Skill0129 0.jpg Poison Ур.2 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 5. Активный 23 0 75000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.6 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 23 0 75000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.22 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 206. Effect 5. Активный 51 0 25000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.23 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 217. Effect 5. Активный 52 0 25000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.24 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 229. Effect 5. Активный 54 0 25000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.13 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 618. Активный 101 0 25000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.14 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 651. Активный 104 0 25000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.15 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 686. Активный 107 0 25000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.9 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 9 0 75000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 25000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 25000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 25000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.6 Creates level 6 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0171 0.jpg Esprit Ур.4 Increases recovery speed while one is running. Пассивный 0 0 75000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.20 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 25000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.21 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 25000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.22 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 25000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.9 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 48 0 120000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.13 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 1923. Активный 109 0 42000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.14 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 2021. Активный 110 0 42000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.15 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 2123. Активный 112 0 42000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.29 Absorbs HP. Power 68. Активный 34 0 42000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.30 Absorbs HP. Power 70. Активный 35 0 42000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.31 Absorbs HP. Power 72. Активный 35 0 42000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.11 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 42. Активный 24 0 63000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.12 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 43. Активный 24 0 63000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.5 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 24 0 120000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.7 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 24 0 120000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.25 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 241. Effect 6. Активный 55 0 42000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.26 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 253. Effect 6. Активный 55 0 42000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.27 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 266. Effect 6. Активный 56 0 42000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.16 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 722. Активный 109 0 42000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.17 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 758. Активный 110 0 42000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.18 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 796. Активный 112 0 42000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.10 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 10 0 120000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0171 0.jpg Esprit Ур.5 Increases recovery speed while one is running. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.23 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.24 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.25 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 42000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.10 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 50 0 170000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.16 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 2227. Активный 115 0 56000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.17 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 2333. Активный 118 0 56000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.18 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 2443. Активный 121 0 56000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.32 Absorbs HP. Power 73. Активный 37 0 56000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.33 Absorbs HP. Power 75. Активный 38 0 56000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.34 Absorbs HP. Power 77. Активный 38 0 56000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.13 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 45. Активный 25 0 85000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.14 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 46. Активный 25 0 85000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.6 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 25 0 170000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.8 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 25 0 170000
Skill0099 0.jpg Rapid Shot Ур.2 Increases speed of arrow launch. Effect 2. Активный 50 0 170000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.28 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 279. Effect 6. Активный 58 0 56000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.29 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 292. Effect 6. Активный 59 0 56000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.30 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 306. Effect 6. Активный 61 0 56000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.19 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 835. Активный 115 0 56000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.20 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 875. Активный 118 0 56000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.21 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 916. Активный 121 0 56000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.11 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 10 0 170000
Skill0225 0.jpg Acrobatic Move Ур.3 Dodging abilities increase when running. Пассивный 0 0 170000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.7 Creates level 7 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.26 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.27 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.28 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 56000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.11 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 54 0 180000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.19 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 2555. Активный 124 0 62000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.20 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 2670. Активный 126 0 62000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.21 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 2788. Активный 129 0 62000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.35 Absorbs HP. Power 78. Активный 39 0 62000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.36 Absorbs HP. Power 80. Активный 40 0 62000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.37 Absorbs HP. Power 82. Активный 40 0 62000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.15 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 48. Активный 27 0 92000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.16 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 49. Активный 28 0 92000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.7 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 28 0 180000
Skill0129 0.jpg Poison Ур.3 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 6. Активный 28 0 180000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.9 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 28 0 180000
Skill0303 0.jpg Soul of Sagittarius Ур.2 Temporarily increases maximum MP. Effect 2. Активный 0 271 180000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.31 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 320. Effect 6. Активный 62 0 62000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.32 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 334. Effect 6. Активный 63 0 62000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.33 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 349. Effect 6. Активный 65 0 62000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.22 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 959. Активный 124 0 62000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.23 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1002. Активный 126 0 62000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.24 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1046. Активный 129 0 62000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.12 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 11 0 180000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 62000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 62000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 62000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.29 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 62000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.30 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 62000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.31 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 62000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.12 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 55 0 240000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.22 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 2908. Активный 132 0 120000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.23 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 3030. Активный 135 0 120000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.38 Absorbs HP. Power 84 Активный 42 0 120000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.39 Absorbs HP. Power 85 Активный 42 0 120000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.1 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 2908. Активный 129 0 120000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.2 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 3030. Активный 132 0 120000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.17 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 51. Активный 28 0 240000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.8 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 28 0 240000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.10 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 28 0 240000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.34 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 364. Effect 6. Активный 66 0 120000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.35 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 379. Effect 7. Активный 68 0 120000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.25 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1091. Активный 132 0 120000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.26 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1136. Активный 135 0 120000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.13 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 11 0 240000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.32 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.33 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 120000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.13 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 58 0 310000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.24 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 3154. Активный 135 0 150000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.25 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 3280. Активный 138 0 150000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.40 Absorbs HP. Power 87 Активный 43 0 150000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.41 Absorbs HP. Power 89 Активный 44 0 150000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.3 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 3154. Активный 135 0 150000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.4 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 3280. Активный 135 0 150000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.18 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 53. Активный 29 0 310000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.9 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 29 0 310000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.11 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 29 0 310000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.36 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 395. Effect 7. Активный 68 0 150000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.37 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 410. Effect 7. Активный 69 0 150000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.27 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1183. Активный 135 0 150000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.28 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1230. Активный 138 0 150000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.14 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 12 0 310000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.8 Creates level 8 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0171 0.jpg Esprit Ур.6 Increases recovery speed while one is running. Пассивный 0 0 310000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.34 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.35 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 150000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.14 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 60 0 370000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.26 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 3408. Активный 140 0 180000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.27 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 3537. Активный 143 0 180000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.42 Absorbs HP. Power 90 Активный 44 0 180000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.43 Absorbs HP. Power 92 Активный 45 0 180000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.5 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 3408. Активный 138 0 180000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.6 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 3537. Активный 140 0 180000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.19 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 56. Активный 30 0 370000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.10 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 30 0 370000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.12 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 30 0 370000
Skill0303 0.jpg Soul of Sagittarius Ур.3 Temporarily increases maximum MP. Effect 3. Активный 0 316 370000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.38 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 426. Effect 7. Активный 70 0 180000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.39 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 443. Effect 7. Активный 72 0 180000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.29 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1278. Активный 140 0 180000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.30 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1327. Активный 143 0 180000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.15 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 12 0 370000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.42 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.36 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.37 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 180000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.15 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 62 0 500000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.28 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 3668. Активный 145 0 250000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.29 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 3800. Активный 148 0 250000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.44 Absorbs HP. Power 94 Активный 45 0 250000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.45 Absorbs HP. Power 96 Активный 47 0 250000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.7 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 3668. Активный 143 0 250000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.8 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 3800. Активный 145 0 250000
Skill0323 0.jpg Quiver of Arrow: Grade A Ур.1 Summons between 450 and 1800 Mithril arrows. Consumes 1 Crystal: A Grade. Активный 130 0 250000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.20 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 58. Активный 32 0 500000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.11 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 32 0 500000
Skill0129 0.jpg Poison Ур.4 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 7. Активный 32 0 500000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.13 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 32 0 500000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.40 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 459. Effect 7. Активный 73 0 250000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.41 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 475. Effect 7. Активный 74 0 250000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.31 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1376. Активный 145 0 250000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.32 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1425. Активный 148 0 250000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.16 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 13 0 500000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.43 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 250000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.44 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 250000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.38 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 250000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.39 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 250000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.16 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 64 0 600000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.30 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 3933. Активный 150 0 300000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.31 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 4067. Активный 153 0 300000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.46 Absorbs HP. Power 97 Активный 48 0 300000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.47 Absorbs HP. Power 99 Активный 48 0 300000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.9 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 3933. Активный 148 0 300000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.10 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 4067. Активный 150 0 300000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.21 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 59. Активный 33 0 600000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.12 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 33 0 600000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.14 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 33 0 600000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.42 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 492. Effect 7. Активный 75 0 300000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.43 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 509. Effect 7. Активный 77 0 300000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.33 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1475. Активный 150 0 300000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.34 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1525. Активный 153 0 300000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.17 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 13 0 600000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.45 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.46 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0171 0.jpg Esprit Ур.7 Increases recovery speed while one is running. Пассивный 0 0 600000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.40 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.41 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 300000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.17 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 65 0 720000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.32 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 4201. Активный 155 0 360000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.33 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 4336. Активный 157 0 360000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.48 Absorbs HP. Power 100 Активный 49 0 360000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.49 Absorbs HP. Power 102 Активный 49 0 360000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.11 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 4201. Активный 153 0 360000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.12 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 4336. Активный 155 0 360000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.22 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 61. Активный 33 0 720000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.13 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 33 0 720000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.15 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 33 0 720000
Skill0303 0.jpg Soul of Sagittarius Ур.4 Temporarily increases maximum MP. Effect 4. Активный 0 364 720000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.44 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 526. Effect 7. Активный 78 0 360000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.45 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 542. Effect 8. Активный 79 0 360000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.35 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1576. Активный 155 0 360000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.36 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1626. Активный 157 0 360000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.18 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 13 0 720000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.47 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 360000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.48 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 360000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.9 Creates level 9 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.42 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 360000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.43 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 360000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.18 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 67 0 1200000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.34 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 4470. Активный 160 0 580000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.35 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 4604. Активный 162 0 580000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.50 Absorbs HP. Power 104 Активный 50 0 580000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.51 Absorbs HP. Power 105 Активный 50 0 580000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.13 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 4470. Активный 157 0 580000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.14 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 4604. Активный 160 0 580000
Skill0324 0.jpg Quiver of Arrow: Grade S Ур.1 Summons between 650 and 2600 shining arrows. Consumes 1 Crystal: S Grade. Активный 200 0 1200000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.23 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 63. Активный 34 0 1200000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.14 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 34 0 1200000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.16 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 34 0 1200000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.46 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 559. Effect 8. Активный 80 0 580000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.47 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 576. Effect 8. Активный 81 0 580000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.37 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1677. Активный 160 0 580000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.38 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1727. Активный 162 0 580000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.19 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 14 0 1200000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.49 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 580000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.50 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 580000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.44 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 580000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.45 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 580000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0002 0.jpg Confusion Ур.19 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack. Активный 69 0 1600000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.36 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 4738. Активный 164 0 820000
Skill0019 0.jpg Double Shot Ур.37 Shoots two arrows in succession. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible. Power 4870. Активный 166 0 820000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.52 Absorbs HP. Power 107 Активный 52 0 820000
Skill0070 0.jpg Drain Health Ур.53 Absorbs HP. Power 108 Активный 52 0 820000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.15 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 4738. Активный 162 0 820000
Skill0314 0.jpg Fatal Counter Ур.16 Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Usable when a bow is equipped. Power 4870. Активный 164 0 820000
Skill0105 0.jpg Freezing Strike Ур.24 Instantly freezes target area. Temporarily reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Power 65. Активный 35 0 1600000
Skill0122 0.jpg Hex Ур.15 Instantly decreases enemy's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 35 0 1600000
Skill0129 0.jpg Poison Ур.5 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 8. Активный 35 0 1600000
Skill0115 0.jpg Power Break Ур.17 Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk Effect 3. Активный 35 0 1600000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.48 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 593. Effect 8. Активный 82 0 820000
Skill0223 0.jpg Sting Ур.49 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. Usable when a sword, a dagger or a dual-sword is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 609. Effect 8. Активный 83 0 820000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.39 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1777. Активный 164 0 820000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stun Shot Ур.40 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously by shooting an arrow into a target. Usable when equipped with a bow. Over-hit possible. Power 1827. Активный 166 0 820000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.20 Increases the degree of damage being given to an enemy during a critical attack. One's MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 14 0 1600000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.51 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 820000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.52 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 820000
Skill0171 0.jpg Esprit Ур.8 Increases recovery speed while one is running. Пассивный 0 0 1600000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.46 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 820000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.47 Increases defense when wearing light equipment. Пассивный 0 0 820000

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