Sword Muse (Виртуоз)

Sword Muse — третья профессия воина эльфийской расы с 76-го по 85-й уровень.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Swordsinger, минимум 76-й уровень и выполнить квест Saga of the Sword Muse.



Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным серверам Gracia Epilogue.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0764 0.jpg Song of Wind Storm Ур.1 Increases a party member's tolerance to bows by 30 for 2 minutes. Increases the additional MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts. Активный: Усиливающее умение 60 0 0
Skill0329 0.jpg Health Ур.1 Increases resistance to poison and bleed attacks by 20. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 12500000
Skill0328 0.jpg Wisdom Ур.1 Increases resistance to hold, sleep and altered state mind attacks by 20. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 12500000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0363 0.jpg Song of Meditation Ур.1 For 2 minutes, increases all party members' MP recovery bonus by 20%, and decreases magic skill use MP consumption by 10%. Also increases MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts. Активный: Усиливающее умение 60 0 14670000
Skill0349 0.jpg Song of Renewal Ур.1 For 2 minutes, decreases all party members' physical/magic skill MP consumption by 5% and re-use time by 20%. Also increases MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts. Активный: Усиливающее умение 60 0 14670000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0364 0.jpg Song of Champion Ур.1 For 2 minutes, decreases all party members' physical skill use MP consumption by 20% and physical skill re-use time by 10%. Also increases MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts. Активный: Усиливающее умение 60 0 32000000
Skill0428 0.jpg Inner Rhythm Ур.1 MP consumption for song and dance is decreased by 10%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 32000000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0437 0.jpg Song of Silence Ур.1 Weaves a mystical song that blocks all the enemy's physical and magical skills for 2 minutes. Активный: Физическое умение 54 0 80000000
Skill0529 0.jpg Song of Elemental Ур.1 Increases all party members' resistance to fire, water, wind and earth attacks by 30 for 2 minutes. Also increases MP consumption when singing while sing/dance effect lasts. Активный: Усиливающее умение 54 0 80000000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0455 0.jpg Symbol of Noise Ур.1 Creates a seal that cancels the song or dance of nearby enemies. The seal's effect disappears upon leaving the area. Consumes 1 Battle Symbol. Активный: Физическое умение 80 0 150000000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0913 0.jpg Deflect Magic Ур.1 Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100% for 20 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 37 0 0
Skill0759 0.jpg Archer's Will Ур.1 When a bow/crossbow is used, accuracy increases by 8 and range increases by 50. When attacking, the physical skill's power and the Critical rate are increased at a fixed rate. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 0
Skill0758 0.jpg Fighter's Will Ур.1 When a short-range weapon is used, attack power increases by 100 and Atk. Spd. increases by 10%. When attacking, the physical skill's power and the Critical rate are increased at a fixed rate. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 0
Skill0766 0.jpg Sixth Sense Ур.1 When stamina is at its limit, sensation reaches its peak to increase evasion by 15 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 0

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0757 0.jpg Protection of Alignment Ур.1 Resistance to tendency attributes is increased by 20, and when damage is incurred, M. Def. and resistance to elemental attributes are additionally increased instantly depending on the probability. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 0
Skill0756 0.jpg Protection of Elemental Ур.1 Resistance to elemental attributes is increased by 20, and when damage is incurred, M. Def. and resistance to elemental attributes are additionally increased instantly depending on the probability. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 0
Skill0755 0.jpg Protection of Rune Ур.1 M. Def. is increased by 15%, and when damage is incurred, additional M. Def. and resistance to attributes are increased instantly depending on the probability. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 0

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0914 0.jpg Song of Purification Ур.1 Provides an 80% chance of removing a party member's de-buffs. And for the next 2 minutes, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 30% and increases the power of received HP recovery magic by 30%. Активный: Усиливающее умение 60 0 0

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