Sword Muse (Виртуоз)

Sword Muse — третья профессия воина эльфийской расы с 76-го по 85-й уровень.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Swordsinger, минимум 76-й уровень и выполнить квест Saga of the Sword Muse.



Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным EU серверам Interlude.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1405 0.jpg Divine Inspiration Ур.3 Increases the number of buffs you can receive. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill1405 0.jpg Divine Inspiration Ур.4 Increases the number of buffs you can receive. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0329 0.jpg Health Ур.1 Increases resistance to Poison and Bleed. Пассивный 0 0 12500000
Skill0328 0.jpg Wisdom Ур.1 Increases resistance to Hold, Sleep, and Mental attacks. Пассивный 0 0 12500000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0426 0.jpg Battle Stance Ур.1 Transfers your strength to a party member. The effect is cancelled if you incur damage. Активный 0 0 14670000
Skill0363 0.jpg Song of Meditation Ур.1 Temporarily increases party members' MP regeneration rate and decreases MP consumption rate when using a magic skill. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 14670000
Skill0349 0.jpg Song of Renewal Ур.1 Temporarily decreases party members' MP consumption and re-use time while using physical/magic skills. If one sings while sing/dance state is in effect, additional MP will be consumed. Активный 60 0 14670000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0364 0.jpg Song of Champion Ур.1 Temporarily decreases party members' MP consumption/re-use time when using physical skills. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 32000000
Skill0428 0.jpg Inner Rhythm Ур.1 MP consumption for singing and dancing is decreased. Пассивный 0 0 32000000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0437 0.jpg Song of Silence Ур.1 Sing the Song of Silence to temporarily block the use of all enemy physical or magical skills. Активный 54 0 80000000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0455 0.jpg Symbol of Noise Ур.1 Generates a signet that cancels the singing or dancing abilities of those nearby. Applies to all targets within the affected area. The effect disappears if you leave the area. Level 2 or higher Battle Force required. Consumes 1 Battle Symbol. Активный 89 0 150000000

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