Warsmith (Кузнец)

Warsmith — вторая профессия воина расы гномов с 40-го по 76-й уровень. Не может быть выбран в качестве Subclass.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Artisan, минимум 40-й уровень и выполнить квесты Trial of the Guildsman, Testimony of Prosperity и Test of the Maestro или альтернативный квест Good Work's Reward.

Достигнув 76-го уровня и выполнив специальный квест можно получить третью профессию Maestro.


Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным EU серверам Chronicle 4.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.1 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 369. Активный 40 0 14000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.2 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 392. Активный 41 0 14000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.3 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 417. Активный 43 0 14000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.1 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 123. Активный 40 0 14000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.2 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 131. Активный 41 0 14000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.3 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 139. Активный 43 0 14000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.9 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0248 0.jpg Crystallize Ур.2 Makes crystallization possible. Пассивный 0 0 43000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.3 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 43000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.9 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0148 0.jpg Vital Force Ур.3 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting down. Пассивный 0 0 43000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0025 0.jpg Summon Mechanic Golem Ур.3 Summons a mechanical golem that is capable of long-distance cannon attacks. When summoning it, 3 Crystals: C Grade are consumed. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for four times. 15% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 75 0 46000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.4 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 442. Активный 43 0 15000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.5 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 469. Активный 44 0 15000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.6 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 496. Активный 45 0 15000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.4 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 148. Активный 43 0 15000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.5 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 157. Активный 44 0 15000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.6 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 166. Активный 45 0 15000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0211 0.jpg Boost HP Ур.4 Increases one's maximum HP. Пассивный 0 0 46000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.5 Creates level 5 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Item Ур.5 Level 5 items can be manufactured. Пассивный 0 0 46000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.4 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 46000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 15000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0034 0.jpg Bandage Ур.2 Heals one's own bleeding up to Effect 7. Активный 41 0 67000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.7 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 525. Активный 47 0 22000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.8 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 555. Активный 48 0 22000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.9 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 586. Активный 49 0 22000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.7 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 175. Активный 47 0 22000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.8 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 185. Активный 48 0 22000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.9 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 196. Активный 49 0 22000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0148 0.jpg Vital Force Ур.4 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting down. Пассивный 0 0 67000
Skill0150 0.jpg Weight Limit Ур.3 Quadruple the weight limit. Пассивный 0 0 67000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0025 0.jpg Summon Mechanic Golem Ур.4 Summons a mechanical golem that is capable of long-distance cannon attacks. When summoning it, 1 Crystal: D Grade is consumed. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for four times. 15% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 88 0 110000
Skill0013 0.jpg Summon Siege Golem Ур.1 Summons siege golem. Summoning requires 300 Crystals: C Grade and each minute consumes an additional 70 Gemstones: C Grade. Активный 530 0 700000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.10 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 618. Активный 51 0 36000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.11 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 651. Активный 52 0 36000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.12 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 686. Активный 54 0 36000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.10 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 206. Активный 51 0 36000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.11 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 217. Активный 52 0 36000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.12 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 229. Активный 54 0 36000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0211 0.jpg Boost HP Ур.5 Increases one's maximum HP. Пассивный 0 0 110000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.6 Creates level 6 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Item Ур.6 Level 6 items can be manufactured. Пассивный 0 0 110000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 36000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.13 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 722. Активный 55 0 56000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.14 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 758. Активный 55 0 56000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.15 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 796. Активный 56 0 56000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.13 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 241. Активный 55 0 56000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.14 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 253. Активный 55 0 56000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.15 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 266. Активный 56 0 56000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0248 0.jpg Crystallize Ур.3 Makes crystallization possible. Пассивный 0 0 170000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.5 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 170000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 56000
Skill0148 0.jpg Vital Force Ур.5 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting down. Пассивный 0 0 170000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0025 0.jpg Summon Mechanic Golem Ур.5 Summons a mechanical golem that is capable of long-distance cannon attacks. When summoning it, 3 Crystals: C Grade are consumed. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for four times. 15% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 100 0 250000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.16 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 835. Активный 58 0 81000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.17 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 875. Активный 59 0 81000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.18 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 916. Активный 61 0 81000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.16 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 279. Активный 58 0 81000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.17 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 292. Активный 59 0 81000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.18 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 306. Активный 61 0 81000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0211 0.jpg Boost HP Ур.6 Increases one's maximum HP. Пассивный 0 0 250000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.7 Creates level 7 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Item Ур.7 Level 7 items can be manufactured. Пассивный 0 0 250000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 81000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 81000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0301 0.jpg Summon Big Boom Ур.1 Summons a Big Boom that self-destructs by explosion. Summoning it requires 3 Crystals: D Grade. Afterwards 5 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 74 0 270000
Skill0299 0.jpg Summon Wild Hog Cannon Ур.1 Summons a siege weapon capable of movement in general mode and remote attack in siege mode. Switching modes takes 30 seconds. Summoning requires 120 Crystals: B Grade and an additional 30 Gemstones: B Grade per minute. Активный 530 0 800000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.19 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 959. Активный 62 0 89000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.20 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1002. Активный 63 0 89000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.21 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1046. Активный 65 0 89000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.19 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 320. Активный 62 0 89000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.20 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 334. Активный 63 0 89000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.21 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 349. Активный 65 0 89000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.6 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 270000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0148 0.jpg Vital Force Ур.6 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting down. Пассивный 0 0 270000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0025 0.jpg Summon Mechanic Golem Ур.6 Summons a mechanical golem that is capable of long-distance cannon attacks. When summoning it, 2 Crystals: C Grade are consumed. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for four times. 15% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 110 0 370000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.22 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1091. Активный 66 0 180000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.23 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1136. Активный 68 0 180000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.22 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 364. Активный 66 0 180000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.23 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 379. Активный 68 0 180000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0248 0.jpg Crystallize Ур.4 Makes crystallization possible. Пассивный 0 0 370000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 180000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0034 0.jpg Bandage Ур.3 Heals one's own bleeding up to Effect 9. Активный 55 0 400000
Skill0301 0.jpg Summon Big Boom Ур.2 Summons a Big Boom that self-destructs by explosion. Summoning it requires 3 Crystals: D Grade. Afterwards 5 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 82 0 400000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.24 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1183. Активный 68 0 200000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.25 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1230. Активный 69 0 200000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.24 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 395. Активный 68 0 200000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.25 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 410. Активный 69 0 200000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 200000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 200000
Skill0211 0.jpg Boost HP Ур.7 Increases one's maximum HP. Пассивный 0 0 400000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.8 Creates level 8 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Item Ур.8 Level 8 items can be manufactured. Пассивный 0 0 400000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 200000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 200000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 200000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 200000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 200000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 200000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0025 0.jpg Summon Mechanic Golem Ур.7 Summons a mechanical golem that is capable of long-distance cannon attacks. When summoning it, 4 Crystals: C Grade are consumed. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for four times. 15% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 118 0 600000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.26 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1278. Активный 70 0 300000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.27 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1327. Активный 72 0 300000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.26 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 426. Активный 70 0 300000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.27 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 443. Активный 72 0 300000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0148 0.jpg Vital Force Ур.7 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting down. Пассивный 0 0 600000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0301 0.jpg Summon Big Boom Ур.3 Summons a Big Boom that self-destructs by explosion. Summoning it requires 4 Crystals: D Grade. Afterwards 5 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 88 0 780000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.28 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1376. Активный 73 0 390000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.29 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1425. Активный 74 0 390000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.1 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 7%. Активный 73 0 390000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.2 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 10%. Активный 74 0 390000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.28 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 459. Активный 73 0 390000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.29 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 475. Активный 74 0 390000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0211 0.jpg Boost HP Ур.8 Increases one's maximum HP. Пассивный 0 0 780000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.42 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.42 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 390000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0025 0.jpg Summon Mechanic Golem Ур.8 Summons a mechanical golem that is capable of long-distance cannon attacks. When summoning it, 3 Crystals: C Grade are consumed. Afterwards, 4 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for four times. 15% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 126 0 870000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.30 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1475. Активный 75 0 430000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.31 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1525. Активный 77 0 430000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.3 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 12%. Активный 75 0 430000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.4 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 15%. Активный 77 0 430000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.30 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 492. Активный 75 0 430000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.31 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 509. Активный 77 0 430000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 430000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 430000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.7 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 870000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.43 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 430000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.44 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 430000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.43 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 430000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.44 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 430000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 430000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 430000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0301 0.jpg Summon Big Boom Ур.4 Summons a Big Boom that self-destructs by explosion. Summoning it requires 4 Crystals: D Grade. Afterwards 5 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 94 0 930000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.32 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1576. Активный 78 0 460000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.33 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1626. Активный 79 0 460000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.5 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 17%. Активный 78 0 460000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.6 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 20%. Активный 79 0 460000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.32 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 526. Активный 78 0 460000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.33 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 542. Активный 79 0 460000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 460000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 460000
Skill0211 0.jpg Boost HP Ур.9 Increases one's maximum HP. Пассивный 0 0 930000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.9 Creates level 9 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Item Ур.9 Level 9 items can be manufactured. Пассивный 0 0 850000
Skill0248 0.jpg Crystallize Ур.5 Makes crystallization possible. Пассивный 0 0 930000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.45 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 460000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.46 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 460000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.45 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 460000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.46 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 460000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 460000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 460000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0025 0.jpg Summon Mechanic Golem Ур.9 Summons a mechanical golem that is capable of long-distance cannon attacks. When summoning it, 5 Crystals: C Grade are consumed. Afterwards, 4 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for four times. 15% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 133 0 1700000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.34 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1677. Активный 80 0 840000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.35 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1727. Активный 81 0 840000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.7 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 22%. Активный 80 0 840000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.8 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 25%. Активный 81 0 840000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.34 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 559. Активный 80 0 840000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.35 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 576. Активный 81 0 840000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.42 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 840000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.43 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 840000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.47 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 840000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.48 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 840000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.47 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 840000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.48 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 840000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.42 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 840000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.43 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 840000
Skill0148 0.jpg Vital Force Ур.8 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting down. Пассивный 0 0 1700000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0301 0.jpg Summon Big Boom Ур.5 Summons a Big Boom that self-destructs by explosion. Summoning it requires 5 Crystals: D Grade. Afterwards 5 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 100 0 2300000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.36 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1777. Активный 82 0 1100000
Skill0036 0.jpg Whirlwind Ур.37 Wide arcing swing that inflicts damage to multiple surrounding enemies. Usable when a pole-arm is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 1827. Активный 83 0 1100000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.9 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 27%. Активный 82 0 1100000
Skill0320 0.jpg Wrath Ур.10 By swinging a spear, decreases CP of near enemies. Usable when a spear is equipped. Power 30%. Активный 83 0 1100000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.36 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 593. Активный 82 0 1100000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.37 Stunning attack that inflicts shock and damage simultaneously. Throws target into a state of shock. The target doesn't get an additional shock while it takes effect. Usable when a blunt weapon is equipped. Over-hit possible. Power 609. Активный 83 0 1100000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.44 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 1100000
Skill0205 0.jpg Blunt Mastery Ур.45 Increases P. Atk. when a blunt type weapon is used. Пассивный 0 0 1100000
Skill0211 0.jpg Boost HP Ур.10 Increases one's maximum HP. Пассивный 0 0 2300000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.8 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 2300000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.49 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 1100000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.50 Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor. Пассивный 0 0 1100000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.49 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 1100000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.50 Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 1100000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.44 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 1100000
Skill0216 0.jpg Polearm Mastery Ур.45 Increases P. Atk. when using a Polearm. Пассивный 0 0 1100000

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